
In the Spotlight with Stribe: Empowering voices whilst transforming workplace culture

At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Kieran Innes, CEO & 的创始人之一 Stribe.

Please introduce yourself…

Stribe is award-winning employee engagement and survey software built to create happier, healthier teams by giving employees a stronger voice at work. 

We work alongside HR teams to create high-level organisational goals, gather insights that truly matter, 通过有影响力的员工调查,创造有意义的改变,改善员工的幸福感和文化. 

创办Stribe并开发员工调查平台的灵感是什么? What major gap or opportunity did you identify in the market?

It’s an interesting story! Stribe来自于Tootoot,这是我们在2015年推出的一款学生语音应用. 

To give a bit of context – Tootoot was built with one simple purpose, 这是为了帮助英国的学生说出他们在学校遇到的挑战. 通过应用程序, 学生们可以以保密的方式报告任何事情,从欺凌到心理健康问题, and staff are empowered to take action quickly and effectively. 

Fast-forward to today, Tootoot is trusted by over 15,000 teachers all across the UK and recommended by the Department for Education. 

在我们看到Tootoot的成功以及它对学生和他们在学校的快乐产生的不可思议的影响之后,我们看到了成功的关键, happy teams in schools was employee voice, but there weren’t any tools that truly reached everyone in dispersed or deskless teams. 我们的愿景是帮助员工,就像我们帮助孩子们在他们花大部分时间的环境中更快乐、更健康一样. And that’s how Stribe was created! 

在今天的英国, 不幸的是,员工的满意度和敬业度极低,只有23%的人在工作中积极投入. It’s no longer enough to just pay people well; organisations must be prioritising wellbeing, 沟通, 培养一种文化,让人们觉得他们真的想去上班. 

This means giving your teams 沟通 channels to safely share their thoughts, and applying meaningful change with the feedback your team gives you. And that’s exactly 什么 we help you do with Stribe.  

Stribe的调查软件与其他员工反馈工具有何不同? What key features or capabilities give you an edge?


目前, we are the only employee survey platform in the UK to use emails, 独特的链接, QR码, and iOS and Android apps to distribute your surveys. 这意味着我们的客户真正能够给他们的每一位员工一个声音. And inclusion of all voices means better representation across the board. 


不幸的是,全球最大的博彩平台员工调查是否真的是匿名的,有很多模棱两可和不信任. 因此,我们已经投入工作,以确保我们的客户和他们的团队知道Stribe系统是真正匿名的.  

Employee engagement and sentiment data are very valuable, but organisations often struggle with low survey participation rates. How does Stribe help drive higher response rates?


We do a number of things to achieve this, but it can be broken down into three key things: 沟通, 时机, and taking action. 

首先, 我们帮助我们的客户与他们的团队有效沟通,以确保他们了解谁, 什么, 当, why and how of each survey. 当人们了解事情背后的目的时,他们更有可能参与其中. 

其次,时间! 多年来,我们收集了大量全球最大的博彩平台何时发送调查以获得最多回复的数据, and how to get teams to set aside time to complete surveys. This data helps us to advise customers how to nail survey 时机. 

Finally, taking action. 这可以说是员工调查过程中最重要的一步——所以我们真正与客户合作,帮助他们从反馈中确定有意义的行动. 根据员工在调查中的意见来改变工作场所是提高未来回应率的最有效方法, because it proves to your team you’re taking them seriously. 

What role does data/analytics play in Stribe's platform? How do you help companies analyse and action the employee feedback they receive?

Stribe的调查报告工具对于我们如何授权公司有效地理解和处理员工反馈是不可或缺的, 我们不断与客户交流,了解对他们来说最重要的是什么,这样我们就可以不断优化平台. 

我们的方法不仅仅是提供一堆数据——我们通过深入细节帮助我们的客户获得真正的理解, so they can make informed and impactful decisions. Through easy-to-digest analytics, we’re able to give our customers clear visibility into employee feelings and thoughts, helping them identify strengths and challenges. 

One of Stribe’s most popular features in the reporting toolkit is ‘You Said, “We Did”——它本质上允许组织在调查结束后与他们的团队分享结果和数据, 同时也让他们知道在这些数据的基础上,未来将采取什么行动.

The tool is special because it allows admins of Stribe to simultaneously share, 承认, 处理员工的反馈——我们知道,这有助于通过展示对持续改进的承诺来建立信任. 

在员工体验和反馈领域,你最感兴趣的新趋势或创新是什么? Where is Stribe investing for the future?

我们对混合型劳动力的崛起以及这将如何改变未来的工作感到非常兴奋. Blended workforces are made up of full-time workers, 兼职工人, and contractors all working together seamlessly and flexibly – from afar, 在球场上, in the office or elsewhere! 

Organisations are truly shifting and becoming more dispersed right in front of our eyes, but 什么 this means is leaders will need to adopt strategies, tools and technologies that support this new way of working and their people. 

吸引分散和混合的团队不是一件容易的事——但这是Stribe团队一直提倡的, 我们专注于尽可能灵活地访问我们的技术,以帮助高度分散的团队不仅跟上转变的步伐, but help their teams thrive through them.

It’s a time of radical change, 我们很高兴能够建立一个解决方案,不仅支持随之而来的挑战, but celebrates the movement. 

谢谢你! Stribe!

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