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顾客的期望正处于历史最高水平,品牌要满足并超越顾客的期望正变得越来越具有挑战性. 据预测,到2020年,在决定是否购买时,客户体验将超过价格和产品,  86%的买家最终愿意为更好的客户体验支付更多的钱. 开发有效的客户体验策略的需求正在加剧. By improving and optimising the customer experience, 你可能会把更多的购物者转化为顾客,提高忠诚度和留存率, so how do we give consumers what they want?

作为消费者,我们听到和遇到的一些常见的挫折包括不同设备的不同购物体验, not being able to find the products with ease, slow and cumbersome websites, and poor re-engagement and communication. 今天的消费者希望通过阻力最小的途径从A点到达B点. It’s all about speed, ease of use and consistency, which makes for a great buying experience – in fact, 74%的消费者表示,他们至少有可能只根据体验进行购买.

Googles commitment to CX

在过去的10年里,谷歌一直致力于提升客户体验. Back in 2010, 响应式网页设计(Responsive Web Design, RWD)提出了一种理念,即网站设计和开发应该根据屏幕大小来响应用户的行为和环境, platform, and orientation. In 2015, there was a change of focus towards mobile experience and quality content; shortly after in 2016, PWAs were introduced as a new web development standard, making mobile user experience the centre of all attention. 2018年,谷歌首次开始使用页面速度来计算移动搜索排名, 2019年,谷歌开始主要使用移动版本的内容进行索引和排名. Finally, earlier this year we saw the core web vitals and page experience update.

This makes one thing very clear; mobile experience is key. 如果你不能提供积极的手机体验,你的业务发展就会面临危险. In recent years, 移动设备的使用已经上升到人们现在花在移动设备上的时间是桌面设备的两倍. 很可能你已经在你的网站分析中看到了类似的趋势. But with this boom in usage comes expectation, 因为客户一直要求在移动设备上获得良好的体验,这就是PWA可以提供的.

So, what are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

To put it simply, PWAs are mobile optimised websites, that appear to the user like a native mobile app, a hybrid of regular websites and mobile apps. 它们的行为和感觉就像原生移动应用程序, whilst running in web browsers. 创始人、谷歌工程师亚历克斯·拉塞尔说:“这些网站摄取了所有正确的维生素。”.

Despite having app-like features, 重要的是要明白pwa并不是原生应用的直接替代品, but rather an enhancement of existing web technology. 当你建立一个PWA时,你是在建立一个可以在每个设备上运行的网站. That is the primary reason why Google, 微软和其他公司正在推动渐进式网络应用程序,以鼓励企业创造更好的跨设备体验.

PWAs help to improve customer experience and reduce bounce rates. They load immediately, 即时响应客户交互,并在所有设备上提供丰富的UI. 除了可靠、快速和接合外,PWA的主要特点包括:

  • Consumers can find and download your PWA through search engines.
  • Users can add it to their home screen, just like a native web app.
  • The PWA can be shared across different platforms with a URL.
  • Network independent. 由于连接不良造成的任何中断都可能导致购物者失去购买动力,并降低他们返回完成订单的可能性. 该应用程序在后台检索和存储信息,以便消费者可以离线或在连接不良的情况下购物.
  • Progressively enhanced. The application will work on older and newer browsers.
  • Re-engageable. 通过向消费者发送带有股票更新的推送通知来重新获得并保持用户粘性, offers and abandoned basket reminders.
  • Responsively designed. Shoppers can access the app on any device with a screen and a browser.
  • Connections between the user, 应用程序和您的服务器是安全的,防止任何第三方试图访问第三方数据.

这些特性可以为您的客户创建一个引人注目的、高度灵活的产品. 这些好处带来了更高水平的客户参与度和整体绩效, increasing conversion rate and revenue growth.

The impact of PWAs

Google reports that the average PWA increases conversions by 52%. 如果您正在考虑PWA,请考虑您想要跟踪的指标. 以下是谷歌手机用户粘性报告中的一些关键数据:

  • PWA的平均跳出率比类似的手机网站低42%.
  • Mobile sessions on PWAs are increased by nearly 80% on average.
  • Brands using PWAs notice that page views increase by nearly 134%.
  • Overall engagement is 137% higher.
  • The average load time for PWAs is just 2.75秒,大约比一般的手机登陆页面快8倍.

有几种工具和技术可以帮助您跟踪性能,例如 Lighthouse and the Chrome User Experience Report. 你需要关注的一些关键指标是转化率, sessions per user and the average session duration, but this differs from business to business.

PWAs have lots of benefits and have come just at the right time. With 9 out of 10 businesses competing mainly on customer experience, 只有那些认真对待顾客体验的品牌才能脱颖而出,赢得忠实顾客的青睐. PWA技术使品牌能够统一和简化客户在所有接触点的体验. 渐进式Web应用将不可避免地推动用户期望的转变,这里有一些基本的考虑是成功的关键. Speak to a member of our team today to learn more about how PushON can help you to create your PWA.

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