



和roid和iOS设备目前的市场份额是50/50, it makes commercial sense for a client to have an app developed which is compatible on both platforms simultaneously. 

An important consideration for a customer thinking of having a mobile app built - "is my potential developer using a cross platform development toolset?" 

和roid developers used to write apps in Kotlin or Java: iOS developers used Swift or Objective-C. 这两个软件平台互不兼容, so you used to end up with two different pieces of software with each approximating the functionality of the other on different operating systems.

听起来乱? 这是.


以前, 开发者必须坐下来编写两个版本的应用, 每个平台一个. 这很耗时, 记住, 客户最终会为开发人员的时间和专业知识付费.

不过,这实际上比“两个代码库”要复杂得多. 作为客户, you’d also have to find a development company which had expertise of working on both platforms – which usually meant that two separate teams had to work alongside each other, comparing code 和 trying to achieve the same results with two different sets of development tools.

更糟糕的是, you might find that a company only developed for 和roid 和 would then have to find another company who developed for iOS – 和 then let them work everything out at a distance.


开发人员不仅要花时间编写两个代码库, there’s also extra time involved in internal liaison to ensure the two products have the same look, 感觉和功能. The knock on effect is that it will also impinge on your time - as a customer - as your two development teams come back to you with design 和 functionality questions 和 project reports. Your time is one of those intangible costs you typically never consider when having an app built – how much of your time do you have to put into the design process? 

Some typical problems you’ll come across if you have what essentially are two separate but similar apps is that you can not always guarantee having the same look, 使用两套设计工具编写的软件的感觉和功能. 

至于当您决定需要附加功能时, 或者重写代码或更改用户界面.... 更头痛. 持续的支持随着每次重写而变得越来越复杂, 和 adding additional functionality across two different platforms might not give the same results. 



几年前就开始了, 像谷歌这样的公司, Facebook 和 Microsoft decided that the best way forwards was to write cross platform application frameworks.

Prior criticism of cross platform frameworks were that they weren't as fast as Native apps: that's now a thing of the past. 简单地说,没有理由不使用跨平台框架.

使用新的本地跨平台工具,例如 颤振反应本地, you can write your code once 和 then have that code translated into the native code of multiple operating systems, allowing a mobile app to be published to multiple platforms with minimal effort.

因为只有一个代码库, 这可以很容易地改变和应用程序重新发布, instead of having to update multiple codebases 和 then ensuring that the functionality is similar. 开发人员也不需要学习多种编程语言. So finding a developer who underst和s how to write for both 和roid 和 iOS is now easier. Connecting to the Cloud with cross platform tools such as 反应本地 和 颤振 is much simplified as well.

也, developers have easier access to now common plugins which makes the design process much more streamlined.

与颤振, 开发人员还可以动态更改代码, 而不必修改代码并重新编译它, 这很耗时. A “hot reload” feature in 颤振 means that debugging code becomes much more efficient.



完成的应用程序将在多个平台上具有统一的外观和感觉. 事实上, 使用颤振, 哪个使用公共的小部件池, 你可以有一个看起来像iOS应用的和roid应用, 反之亦然.

When you consider the amount of wireframes your designer will ask you to approve for even a small project, 跨平台的相似的外观和感觉将会拯救你, 作为客户(和你的设计师)有很多工作要做. Since you have one team of developers working on one cross-platform version of your app, your time in working with them as part of the design process is reduced as well.

和, 底线——因为开发的成本效率, 你现在可以同时在和roid和iOS上发布应用了, instead of having your project budget constraining you to choose one or the other, 从而最大化你的投资回报和市场份额.

现在,如果这让你思考 “我现有的和roid / iOS应用能否移植到跨平台格式 ?“ 答案是肯定的,它可以. 有一些(技术上的)警告. 

这是我们建议你在花钱之前和我们谈谈的地方. ;-)


成立于2017年, Foresight Mobile是一家端到端移动开发机构, turning your concepts into engaging 和 robust solutions across mobile 和 the web. 我们在所有平台上使用最新的技术, 确保您的产品具有最佳性能.

产品原型,和roid / iOS /跨平台 移动应用开发“CTO即服务” 创业的支持以及下一代技术,如AR / VR和物联网.

我们提供完全定制的服务, supporting clients from initial first design concepts to published apps which represent the best value for money, 最快的开发和最快的投资回报率. 你可以查看我们的 全球最大的博彩平台的颤振应用开发服务在这里.

我们受到各种规模的公司的信任,从 创业公司 和中小企业 家喻户晓的大人物.

想知道更多吗?? 访问我们的网址: foresightmobile.com 或致电0161 826 0334洽谈.

