
At the NWCRC we looked at the most common remote working environments and explored what risks you may face and have collated some of the ways you can ensure your employees stay secure when working remotely.

Co-Working Spaces and 分享d Offices are the most secure option


  • In open-plan offices and workspaces, there is always a potential for people 监视和窥探 越过你的肩膀. Be wary if you're working with lots of personal or sensitive data, 可能有人坐在你后面.

  • When working remotely you don't have the luxury of being able to leave your belongings on your desk in the same way as you would at home or in your office. If you leave a laptop/phone/tablet unlocked and unattended you're running the risk of someone having 未经授权的访问.

  • So many businesses have empowered hybrid staff by giving them access to shared offices, 但这不是没有的 分心. Whilst having networking mornings, workshops and after-work drinks all sound great! You might become distracted from your work and let your guard down.

  • 不要让自己这么做 养成坏习惯 from anyone around you who isn't trained in cyber security, remember the security training that your employer has given you!

  • Even with all the guidance, we can give you, working remotely means that 安全仍然是你的责任 作为一个企业主. Make sure your staff are comfortable with the basics and know to flag anything if it doesn't look right.


  • Top of the list in shared working spaces is that you have access to secure and private meeting rooms and workspaces. This allows you to work in the knowledge that nobody is looking 越过你的肩膀 and you can secure your devices should you need to move around the building or nip out for lunch. 

  • 许多联合办公空间都是如此 储物柜,钥匙卡保安和有人值守的接待处. 你可以 communicate with workspace staff if you're unsure or need clarification on anything to do with security or how to connect to the secure wi-fi network.

  • If you're a boss allowing remote staff to utilise shared office space, 确保与员工的沟通渠道畅通. You want them to continue to check in with managers or your own IT team to ensure devices stay updated and documents are secure. 

  • 别忘了 重申关键安全指导 periodically with staff through emails, online documentation and in-person training.

  • 确保所有的 employees are aware of your companies Security policies; i.e Remote Working Policy or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy

  • Whilst we urge caution on using unsecured public wi-fi networks, 许多联合办公空间将为租户提供 加密公共wi-fi网络. Talk to reception to find out how you can log into this encrypted wi-fi network on all your devices.

Many of us work a couple of hours in the local cafe, but are they secure?


  • 在咖啡馆里,总是有潜在的人 监视和窥探 在你的肩膀上,更不用说还有很多 分心 繁忙的下午午餐时间. Be wary if you're working with lots of personal or sensitive data, 可能有人坐在你后面. Don't leave any devices unlocked or unattended, you're running the risk of someone having 未经授权的访问 到您的网站和数据.

  • You may be unaware that an innocent trip to your local cafe may have threats lurking in the background of their public Wi-Fi network. Public wi-fi is common in most locations when working remotely, we all frequently connect to them to check our emails or social media without thinking twice. Whilst your local cafe owner may believe they’re providing free wi-fi to try and keep you in-store to buy that extra slice of cake, 很有可能是 公共wi-fi网络不安全.

  • When working from a cafe you don't have the luxury of being able to leave your belongings on your desk when you go to grab another drink or slice of cake in the same way as you would at home or in your office. If you leave a laptop/phone/tablet unlocked or unattended you're running the risk of someone having 未经授权的访问 or robbing you of your devices (and data).


  • For staff who are often working remotely and on the go, we'd suggest investing in a 设备上的隐私过滤器/屏幕. 尽管它们的价格高达20 - 30英镑, a privacy screen protector can keep private and sensitive information on your screen to yourself only. Onlookers cannot peep into your phone and observe what you're doing.

  • Don’t leave devices unlocked or unattended when moving away from your table, take your devices with you or consider waiting until you've finished purchasing that second coffee or slice of cake.

  • vpn是加密的网络连接, that allow remote employees to securely access your company's services. 使用VPN或移动热点 when working in a cafe is one way to guarantee the security of 'data in transit' across an untrusted network, employees can use VPNs to access their corporate email inboxes and file storage area.


